Here pine, like arrows pierce the sky,
There ate so strictly and proudly stand.
Here Urals Mountains, Altai Sayan and
Cherished secrets to term store.
Delicate, snow ...
Boundless sky!
Magic Tale - Russia!

Here the people are beautiful, the people here have wings
Since my childhood dream to fly up to heaven.
They live simply, does not rich -
Rich in their souls, a beautiful heart!

Victor F. Podgorny - the master with the experience, although he came into the painting as an adult. His first profession - pilot - not less romantic, and the graphic arts department of the Kostroma State University named after NA Nekrasov, he graduated at the age of 40 years. Today Victor Podgorny - a member of the Vologda regional branch of the Russian Union of Artists. In its artistic heritage and solo exhibitions, and participation in regional, inter-regional and international exhibition projects.
3Kupayuschiesya in the clouds

"Since I can remember, always something to draw, then edited the school wall newspaper," - says the artist. Do not part with it, and paints in a summer school. But finally decided to devote his life to painting only when I saw Vologda air when flying over it.

Viktor Yanukovych prefers to work in series. Although sometimes wrote some pictures while traveling. The most famous of his series - "Our past. Looking artist." It is a picture of the Vologda region churches, which have not survived to our time. Consists of 400 paintings, written in the last 7 years. Work performed in the technique of monochrome. It presents all the districts of the region.

To recreate the kind of temples Victor Podgorny used drawings, graphs, drawings and photographs. Nine times he and his wife toured the area to supplement the archive with new facts. "I paint a picture, and my wife of Alexander Levin - texts related stories temples - said Viktor Yanukovych. - Thus was born the idea to create a book" Our past. Looking artist ", which was released in 2008".

"The artist is not one who draws, and who thinks," - said Viktor Yanukovych.

Bright noon


Victor F. was born May 28, 1957 in the village of Mishino Chagoda district, Vologda region. In 1974, the future artist Sazonovskuyu graduated from high school in the village of Sazonov Chagoda area. In 1977 he graduated from Sasovo them. Hero of the Soviet Union Taran Civil Aviation Flying School. Worked for three years in the Vologda squadron as a pilot of the aircraft AN-2. In 1984, Viktor Yanukovych graduated from Kostroma State Pedagogical Institute named after H Nekrasov, the graphic arts department. Is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1998. Lives and works in Vologda.