Long wanted to put you one of the most unique music in this world - the music of Armenia ... This is a very special phenomenon - as if she were some sort of depths of time, where it was stored and kept still, his open heart ...
And then, finally, the stars and planets were formed in the following sequence, that today we will enjoy the creativity of the largest master of Armenian painting of the XX century Martiros Saryan, accompanied by his own music ...
And who would argue with that?

At the spring. Fairy Tale. 1904
Watercolor on paper
Martiros Saryan (1880-1972)
Stone-light. Fairy Tale
Of literary experience of young Saryan ...
There are white stone in the sacred grove, on the stone is white - stone-light. In the sacred grove of people came to listen to tales of the land, listened to the strange rustling leaves and listened to the pale light of the stone. Dark at night came to a priestess white stone of light and echoed insanely magical dances. Dark at night come black priestess - they understand the light. Silent ...
Man is a microscopic particle of the universe embedded in the human "I" is the universe itself; Only through human nature realizes his greatness and pettiness.
For each person there is a beauty peculiar to him, he realizes that he lives.
The world is beautiful.
In man there is everything, everything he can find in himself, if he found the keys of the mysteries of his soul.
A man must believe in the best, he can not live without faith ...

Flowering Mountain (In the gorge Akhurian). 1905
Watercolour, gouache
Armenian and Soviet landscape painter, graphic artist and stage designer.
Martiros Saryan was born 16 (28) February 1880 in the patriarchal Armenian family in the town of Nakhichevan-on-Don (the "New Nakhichevan," now in the range of Rostov-on-Don). In 1895 he graduated from City College. From 1897 to 1904 he studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, including workshops Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin.
The family had nine children - six brothers and three sisters. Martiros - the seventh in order of seniority. Father of the artist Sarkis Mkrtichevich mother Ustiane Bagdasarovna owned a small plot of land in a remote area near the town, lived very poorly. On a farm childhood home of Martiros. He recalled: "In the steppes of Azov region, close to the river Sambek reedy flowing through green meadows, slightly above its banks on the hillocks, my father built a house of adobe bricks, covered it with a roof of reeds, and we began to live in this lonely cabin in the wilderness ... The majestic sky and wide steppe, with hillocks and "mirage mounds" on the horizon, given the opportunity to watch all the phenomena of nature ... the tall grass with an infinite number of colors, flying over them with millions of multi-colored butterflies and scurrying underfoot or basking in the sun lizards. The bright sun, until exhaustion on hot days ... the child's perception of it all indescribably grand and fantastic ... "

Flowering trees. 1922
Canvas, oil.
C childhood absorbed the future artist atmosphere created by the Armenian Apostolic Church. In adolescence, Sarian few years he sang in the church choir, and his schoolteacher was the future Catholicos of All Armenians Gevorg VI. Until the end of his days the artist remembered songs by major authors of the Middle Ages, and the Christian worldview and moral integrity have always been decisive for him.
In 1887 Martiros moved to the city of Nakhichevan-on-Don, where he lives with his older brother Hovhannes. Nakhichevan those years - one of the centers of Armenian culture, history and traditions which Martiros Saryan versatile, carefully and with a sincere passion studied since the adolescent years. However, he was fluent in Russian - it was his second mother tongue.
For fifteen years Martiros Saryan ends of the Armenian-Russian general educational city school.

Tree in bloom. 1907
Watercolor on paper. 24 x 33 cm
Saryan Museum
The first painting passion begins at 15 years of age when Saryan works in Nakhchivan city office dissemination of magazines and newspapers. "In my spare time I enthusiastically read the newspapers and magazines, looking at illustrations ... Among the visitors sometimes come across interesting types. I sat in the back office, in the left corner of the table and began to draw, of course, so that visitors did not notice anything."
In 1897, after passing the entrance examination, entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Education was led by the great masters of Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin. "We wanted to take everything from school, from our teachers: Kasatkina, Arkhipova, Pasternak, A. Corina., Which is in the museum - Rumyantsev and Pavel Tretyakov. Did your favorite picture to the smallest stroke. I wanted to dare - to this fixed her and the era, breaks, impatient ... In nine hundred years in school were reformed. New teachers were involved, including and Valentin Serov taught by full-scale class year. Next year, special workshops were opened: the portrait studio led Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin. "

Wildflowers. 1910
Tempera on cardboard. 60 x 67 cm
Krasnodar Regional Art Museum. FA Kovalenko
In the months of summer holidays (1900-1902), together with a friend in the college, a student of architectural classes Gevorg Miansaryanom Martiros Saryan made a trip to the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. "My trip to the Caucasus through Vladikavkaz on the Georgian Military Highway, through Tbilisi, Yerevan Yerevan was a terrific event for me. It is predetermined, we can say, my future path ... Azov steppes with their different tribes residents - Russian, Ukrainians, Armenians , Greeks, colorful southern city full of excitement Moscow life, the School of Painting, Caucasian journey - a lifetime, a huge variety of experiences, emotions, those episodes, the center of which for me has become an ancient Armenia ... Mountain ranges with sparkling snow-capped peaks, rocks , canyons with turbulent rivers, hills with herds of sheep, stretching into the distance piled up on each other Blue Mountains; herds of buffalo, lazily grazing in the lowlands or bathing in muddy ditches, camel caravans moving along the yellow-pink dusty plains near the Caspian Sea, and finally, Caspian waters and more made indelible impression on me, set me the task of finding some new means of transmitting their feelings and experiences. Means I have been limited, I gradually mastered the language of painting; palette I had more gray. The school gave me a lot, but in me was just beginning to emerge artist ... sank into my head this idea to find some new weapons, new means to better and more share their enthusiasm and experience ... This large and thorny road most important landmark and became the fulcrum of native Armenia with its unique landscape and all the colors of life of its people. I have chosen this path. No other way did not attract me more than this. "

Patio. Yerevan. 1922
Canvas, oil.
In 1903 Martiros Saryan graduated from the school with a diploma and two silver medals.
Art education continued in the portrait studio school (1903-1904 gg.), Who led the VA Serov and KA Korovin. "In our school the whole thing was delivered so tactfully as possible to guide the development of young artists, helping them to reveal his talent, his creative individuality, their understanding of life.
In the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Sarian was one of the best students. Serov and Korovin noted his talent, his seriousness and persistence in work.
Saryan left the studio and if not developed, then in any case already knew how much the artist. But he did not diligently repeat the solutions found by others, and spent a few years to "find his own technique, not using someone else's. I began to look more durable, simple shapes and colors for transmission picturesque existing reality."

Lilac. 1922
Oil on cardboard
In the years 1907-1909 the collections of Shchukin and Morozov Saryan first became acquainted with contemporary French artists. "Introduction to the French gave wings to me more and convinced me of the correctness of the chosen path." Without looking up from its roots, Saryan deeply understand French. "The artist must be himself, only himself, always another" (Gauguin). But himself may be the only one who is confident in their abilities and know the value of daring. These qualities - the lot of the great masters.
Especially fascinated in these years Saryan French Impressionist art and creativity of those Russian artists who have used their own way experience of Impressionism.
Impressions from the trips to Armenia, the best traditions of Russian art, perceived in college, studying the works of some major French artists of the late XIX-early XX century - it all melted in the original style of the first independent works Saryan. Featured in Moscow in 1907 and later, they were met with whistles and nasmeshkami.Proizvedeniya series "Tales and Dreams" Saryan were first presented with great fullness of the exhibition, held in 1907 in Moscow and which bore the name "Blue Rose".

Wisteria. 1923
Oil on cardboard. 20 x 29 cm
Private collection
Saryan was a "Blue Rose" all its big and difficult path since its inception, experienced all the stages of change of attitude towards it from the audience and critics.
Despite the hula, Saryan went to work quietly. Soon gave way to cautious polupriznaniem ridicule, and then come and the glory, strong and durable, which could not undermine any malicious attacks or dubious praise. "Already in the first period of its activity, to the great revolution, Sarian took a very prominent place among our artists," - wrote Lunacharsky, as if summing up of the debate, which was conducted around the artist's works in pre-revolutionary years.

Sunrise over Mount Ararat. 1923
Canvas, oil. 23 x 36 cm
Private collection
M. Saryan was thirty-four years old when the First World War, which was accompanied by the greatest tragedy of the Armenian people - genocide, threatened him with a complete physical destruction. Nationwide battle of Sardarapat in 1918 to stop the advance of the enemy to the heart of Armenia. However, the country is still in critical condition. And then abruptly changed the course of history: the young Soviet Republic of Armenia held out a helping hand. In 1920, in the Eastern Armenian Soviet power was established. People not only escaped death, but also received the coveted statehood.
The revolution found him in Rostov-on-Don, where he organized the Society of Artists. In 1921, at the invitation of the Chairman of People's Commissars of Armenia A. Saryan Miasnikyan with his family moved to Yerevan. Here, on behalf of the People's Commissar of Enlightenment Ashot Hovhannisyan organizes Museum of archeology, ethnography and fine arts (Sarian was the first director of the museum).
From now on Armenia forever becomes his home and the main theme of creativity ...

Yerevan yard in the spring. 1928
Oil on canvas
In 1926, Saryan went to Paris, where, after polutoraletnego stay organized an exhibition of his work is also mainly on Armenian themes and subjects.
Period Autumn 1926 Spring 1928. dates back to the highest peak of his talent and, most importantly, many decide his fate.
Sarian lived a long life. Ninety-odd years of his life he tasted a lot painfully difficult and unfair. But even in the most serious moments of his experience has never left a profound faith in the power and ultimate triumph of light began life.

Flowers, lemons, oranges. 1953
Oil on canvas. 54 x 73 cm
Chelyabinsk Region Picture Gallery
In his memoirs, he writes: "By asking yourself the question, whether I was happy in my life, I can not answer quite definitely - yes. Is not life happiness start from nothing, to realize his I see the light of day, the sun and enjoy countless benefits, generously in abundance provided by mother nature to man. The sense of life - happiness ... "
"By the end of my life, if we assume that at my age already have to see what made whether justified to their conscience, to art, to which he devoted his entire life, beginning with the age of fifteen years - I felt that I just outlined the path and only should begin its work. So many opened in front of me. So many wonderful, wise and mysterious, as in the nature. "
Martiros Saryan died in Yerevan May 5, 1972.

Flowers. 1929
Oil on canvas. 71 x 71 cm
The State Tretyakov Gallery

Flowering apricot. 1929
Oil on canvas

Spring day. 1935
Canvas, oil

May rose. 1939
Oil on canvas

Cyclamens. 1940
Oil on canvas. 81 x 100 cm
Private collection

Grapes. 1943
Oil on canvas. 72 x 93 cm
The State Tretyakov Gallery

Spring in my garden. 1945
Oil on canvas. 54 x 73 cm
Private collection

Armenians who Fought in the Great Patriotic War. Flowers. 1945
Oil on canvas. 196 x 250 cm
National Gallery of Armenia

Flowers. 1946
Oil on canvas. 41 x 41 cm
Private collection

Armenia. 1957
Oil on canvas. 132 x 168 cm
Odessa Art Museum

Maki. 1947
Oil on canvas. 66 x 82 cm
Private collection

In the botanical garden. 1951
Oil on canvas. 46 x 65 cm
National Gallery of Armenia

From the slopes of Mount Aragats. 1951
Oil on canvas. 53 x 72 cm
Private collection

Autumn still life. The fruits are ripe. 1961
Oil on canvas. 80 x 100 cm
The State Tretyakov Gallery

Self-portrait. Three age. 1942
Oil on canvas
Thanks for reading ...