
Voorjaarsbloeiende (schilderij)

Greens velden, bosjes brabbelen,
In de veldleeuwerik sensatie
Warme regen en bruisend water -
Je noemt het, wat toe te voegen?
Meer dan je te verheerlijken,
Leven van de ziel, de komst van de lente?
"De komst van de lente," Vasily Zhukovsky, 1831

Spring :: Der Frühling
Franz Xaver Winterhalter

Luister naar een symfonie van de lente.
Log in om de tuin,
Wanneer het bloeit,
Waar appelbomen,
Aangekleed met bloemen,
In zijn mijmering verscheept.

Luister ...
Hier beginnen de viool
Op zachte fantastische kleuren.
O, wat zijn ze mysterieus en wankel,
Die geluiden,
Die geboren zijn in de kleuren!
Een violisten ...
Kijk eens hoeveel van hen!
Neem een kijkje ...
Zij bogen zachertili tuin.
Nummers als gouden draden,
Meer dan bijen vleugels beven.

Hier is alles zingt ...
En takken, als een fluit,
Woedend doorboren de blauwe ...

U bent op mijn fantasie niet lachen.
Wil je dat ik "A Major" plukken?

Andrei Dementyev.

Butyrskiy Alex

Schilderijen van Robert Falk

Isaac Levitan. Apple Bomen in Bloesem

Bravkov Vladimir Philippovich> Lente

Landschappen Basil Peshkun - Bloeiende Lente

Bloeiende lente (Litvinenko Gennady Ivanovitsj)

Bloeiende bomen, de lente, Pontois - Pissarro, Camille


Whisper of waves, rapids rocks ...

1-d184 (160x142, 28Kb)
Waves! Wonder wave crystal!
Whisper of waves, rapids rocks ...
Is there anything on earth musically,
Amazing sounds of the seas?

In summer nights, star, moon,
Fascinated, just delirious,
I love this song sublunary,
And along the coast go ...

I love these flashes of distant,
Luster and shine of the moon lights.
I love these reflections mirror,
A little flickering light vehicles ...

Bewitched darkness and stars,
Calls splash of silence
I look like crystal clusters
Extinguished splashes falling waves.

Detached from thoughts and dreams,
From the problems that we have in life are,
Immersed in the abyss of sounds
I heed chords waves.

And lo and behold, the wizards byley,
I feel I'm back in the breast,
How to pour fresh forces,
To go to the new battlefield! ..

I love your song carefree ...
Silhouettes in the night ... the disc of the moon! ..
I love these sounds wedding -
Kisses and the lapping of the waves! ..

Hand and breast sm file 
Waves! Wonder wave crystal!
Whisper of waves, rapids rocks ...
Is there anything on earth musically,
Amazing sounds of the seas?

Why are you the sea, Black,
Not green, not blue?
Why are you so
Devilishly handsome?

On a clear day is calm,
Hardly a wave plescheshsya ...
multicolor flames
You're under the sun shines!

In gloomy - prinahmurishsya!
Potemneesh waters ...
And then suddenly vzbuntueshsya,
Mountain rapids! ..

Again, ease,
Shine paint ...
A dive - like a girl
Caresses fool!

And my sorrow and grief,
As if in a clear female gaze,
Forget you, I, the sea ...

© Copyright: Timur Kurt Daudet


Happy holiday! Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (November 4)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014 15:48 + in Quotations

Prayer before the Kazan icon of the Mother of God

About the Blessed Virgin Mistress Mistress!
With fear, faith and love pripadayusche before the icon of thy honest, we beseech thee: turn not away thy face from resorting to Thee, begging, the Merciful Mother, thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, but retain our peaceful country, establish His holy Church yes immutable will keep yu from unbelief, heresy and schism. Not imams bo inyya assistance, not imams inyya expectations, except Thee, O Virgin Immaculate: Thou art the All-powerful Christians assistant and Mediatrix. Deliver all of you praying with faith from falls sinful, wicked people from libel, against all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from futile death; grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction grehovnyya life and remission of sins, yea, all ye votes sing praises to Thy greatness, be worthy of the heavenly kingdom, and tamo with all the saints praise the most honorable and majestic name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God:
meaning, history, miracles, prayer


Mexico in watercolors Kleimo Mike (Mike Kleimo)

Mike Kleimo graduated from the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, California, with a degree BFA in advertising art and design. In Seattle, he has his own graphic design agency. In addition, he worked as an illustrator and art director.
Kleimo works mainly in watercolors. He uses the technique of "overglazing" and layering to achieve a bright color and strong contrast while maintaining the transparency of watercolor. He drew particular attention to the shape and composition, creating a twisted perspective or exaggeration.
Kleimo paints landscapes and city scenes, likes to draw old churches, cars, trucks, shops, rustic architecture in Campo pueblo. Scenes from Atotonilko de Pozos, Santa Rosa and San Miguel de Allende. Participates in exhibitions in Seattle, San Francisco, Puerto Vallarta and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. He today lives in a colorful San Miguel de Allende. "